Pastoral Support
Our Pastoral System
Here at Bungay High we believe that students can only achieve their full potential if they are well supported, both academically and socially. The Pastoral team is therefore integral to the success of our students and to the school as a whole, acting as a vital link between school staff, parents, carers and students.
We are quite a large school but we are organised into Year teams. Each student is still assigned to a house and siblings will usually be in the same house, A Head of Year works with two year groups and there is an Assistant Head of Year who is a non teaching member of staff who also supports pastorally.
Year 8/9 Mr Horne (HoY) Mrs Moore (AHoY) |
Year 7/10 Mr Stubbs (HoY) Mrs Williams (AHoY) |
Year 11 Ms Mawson (HoY) Mrs Cook (AHoY) |
Safeguarding Manager |
Each year group has a Head of Year, Assistant Head of Year and ten form tutors. The Head of Year is a member of teaching staff who has the overall responsibility for the wellbeing and achievement of students in their house. They work closely with the Assistant Head of Year (non-teaching) and ten form tutors to monitor attendance, progress, social issues and any other matters which could affect the ability of each student to be safe, happy and achieving within school.
Students meet with their form tutors every day for registration and will take part in a variety of form activities. Literacy and Numeracy, assemblies, Intervention, Cognition, Metacognition, careers, Mental health and discussing issues to be raised at school council and form quizzes.
One of the most important aspects of the role of our form tutors is to monitor the progress of the students in their tutor groups. Tutors will sit with each student to go through their reports, discussing areas of strength and areas for development before setting targets. Tutors will be a point of contact for parents/carers to communicate the outcomes of these discussions and share the targets that have been set.
Every member of the pastoral team is there to provide social, emotional and academic support when needed. We are there to listen, encourage, reassure and advise and to enable every student to get the most out of their time at high school. The teenage years can be hard to navigate for some, and for most there will be times when additional support is needed – if you have any concerns about issues which may affect your son or daughter in school a call to their Year office is the best way to start finding a solution.
It is the dedicated care and support given to all students by the pastoral team, working in partnership with parents and carers that enables our young people to overcome obstacles and achieve success.
Here at Bungay High we want all of our students to feel safe and happy, however, we do recognise that occasionally some students may experience conflict or social difficulties with their peers. These difficulties may not necessarily be classed as bullying, which is defined as
‘..Unwanted, aggressive behaviour among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time’
However, it is important that students and families report any concerns via the button on our website home page or via their Year Office, so that we can work together to resolve the issues. We do not tolerate bullying of any sort and we will always deal with any reported bullying incident in a timely and sensitive way.