Sixth Form Artist
Sixth Form FAQ
A-level achievement represents a distinct acceleration in progress over two years - Ofsted, 2016
Pastoral Support
Personal Tutors
Each member of the Sixth Form is allocated to a tutor group which includes both Year 12 and Year 13 students. Tutors meet with their students on an individual basis once a fortnight; providing invaluable, consistent pastoral support. A student's tutor should be their first port of call should they have any concerns or questions; they will be able to direct them to the most appropriate source of support. It is vital that students attend all sessions and build an effective working relationship with their tutor; they are the members of staff who will provide references for university and job applications. Students are required to check emails daily as important notices are given out and students need to be kept informed of events that are taking place at Sixth Form.
The Sixth Form Team
If Sixth Form students experience any issues during their time with us, either academically or pastorally, our experienced team of staff are on hand to provide support to students. The Sixth Form team are located in the Sixth Form Office which maintains an open-door policy.
The team is made up of:
Director of Sixth Form = Miss C Lambert
Deputy Director of Sixth Form = Mr N Brunsdon
SLT Link = Mr M Shepstone
Exams offers for enquires = Mr T Dyer
and Andy Crisp as non-teaching support staff. Students are actively encouraged to 'touch base' with the office on a regular basis and this is another source of support; both pastorally and academically.
Communicating with students
We have worked hard to develop our lines of communication with students and now have the following procedures in place:
Form Tutors - Students will regularly receive updates from their form tutors about up and coming events, assemblies and opportunities. these notices tend to be given out during Monday morning registration.
Email - we have found this to be an incredibly efficient way of communicating with our students who are actively encouraged to check their emails on a regular basis.
Noticeboards - we have a whiteboard for day to day / urgent notices and other boards for information on a variety of topics e.g. university open days.
Catchment Area
Students living in the catchment are transported to school by Suffolk County Council. Parents will receive a letter during the summer holidays prior to each new school year in which they are told the number of their child's bus and the stop at which they will catch their bus. Their child's bus pass is included with this letter. Students must have their bus pass with them on every journey and must show it to the driver. If they lose their bus pass, Suffolk County Council will charge them for a replacement.
Out of Catchment Area
The parents of these students are responsible for transporting their children to school. However, Bungay High School is keen to help ease this burden wherever possible. Bungay High School contracts two buses from Lowestoft (BU001 and BU002). Parents can apply to our Finance Office for a place on one of these buses. Queries to
For more information please see our Transport page
You may be aware that there is a Government funded bursary scheme to help some 16-19 year olds in full-time education. This consists of two parts:
* A discretionary fund for schools, colleges and training providers to distribute to those students who qualify for financial support.
* A one-off payment of £1,200 (split into termly amounts) to a small group of the most vulnerable students. This payment is to help towards funding the student's education.
Initial applications for the bursary fund can only be made once you have enrolled and must be accompanied with the relevant paperwork and receipts which will need to be assessed. Any additional requests, for the discretionary fund, may be made during the academic year when your requirements for financial assistance are fully known, however, funds are limited and early applications are advised.
Please Note: If you wish to apply for support for bus transport for the whole academic year, then applications must be received by the middle of September at the latest. Please pay for the bus pass first and apply for help towards this cost once the student has enrolled.
Application forms will be available from the office at the Sixth Form Centre.
What can I get help for? Applicants for the Discretionary Fund can apply for help with the following: Travel/Transport Costs Field Trips and Day Visits Resit Exam Fees UCAS Application fees Books, Materials and Equipment
Bursary Application Form (Additional)
We will consider applications from students with a Household Income up to approximately 50,000 p.a. when making our assessment. Funds are limited so awards will be made to those considered most in need
The student must:
Be aged between 16 and 19 on 1st Sept. (at the beginning of the current academic year) Be a student enrolled on a full time YPLA funded course of study at Bungay Sixth Form. Have an acceptable attendance, progress and behavioural record in accordance with the Bungay Sixth Form Centre guidelines in the Student Planner
The student must also satisfy the following criteria:
You need to be able to demonstrate an educational need for the items being claimed.
You must show evidence of all household income.
If you are in receipt of any of the following:
Show evidence of a means tested benefit for you or your household i.e. job seekers allowance, income support, employment and support allowance, housing benefit, council tax benefit, pension credit or working tax credit with NHS exemption certificate, universal credits.
You have emergency/special circumstances affecting your living arrangements/household income.
You have special financial or other circumstances that are not covered by any of the above (evidence will be required).
Students eligible to apply for the £1200 one-off payment are:
Young people in care, Care leavers (e.g. young people who cease to be looked-after or accommodated) Young people in receipt of income support Disabled young people in receipt of Employment and Support Allowance (or Universal Credit) who are also in receipt of Disability Living Allowance (or Personal Independence Payments)
16 to 19 Tuition Fund – Statement
Bungay High School has been allocated additional funding for 16-19 Tuition for the Academic year 2024/2025. The funding will be used to prioritise additional educational and pastoral support for our more disadvantaged students who have had disrupted learning and/or would benefit from small group tuition to ensure they reach their full potential. The school maintains records of those students involved, progress is monitored and reviewed regularly. The support takes the form of additional small group teaching (groups between 3 and 5) but may also involve one-to-one tuition focused on students identified as having significant gaps in their learning. English and maths support, as well as other subjects linked to the student’s particular area of study, may be provided. Existing subject specialist teaching staff provide this support in school. In addition, pastoral support and guidance is provided by other school staff and, if needed, by external experts.The school expects to use all the funding received for this purpose within the year.
Can I do only three A levels?
The majority of students will pick 3 A-Level to subjects to study across the two years, with their final examinations taking place at the end of year 13. Some students who have performed exceptionally well at GCSE, securing Grade 8's and 9's may wish to start with 4 A-Level subjects, however few students continue with 4 until the end of Year 13. There are options to secure additional UCAS points by taking EPQ which is the equivalently of half an A-Level. This can be done in either year 12 or year 13 and will run alongside their 3 A-Level subjects.
Vocational subjects have been successful in outcomes for a sustained period but they continue to be further developed and offer students a broad choice of pathways in the sixth form - Ofsted, 2016
If I start an A Level and don't like it can I drop it?
You are advised to think carefully about your choice because subject change is not usually advisable and may not be possible once lessons have started. In any event, you must continue to study a full A level programme. Students can change subjects within the first month of starting the course
A-levels are indisputably much harder than GCSEs, students are expected to spend around 8-10 hours a week doing private study.
Study periods
Once you are settled into your subjects, you can have study periods if agreed by a member of the SFT. There are many quiet areas with ICT facilities available to work in.
There is lots of support with UCAS arrangements in the Sixth Form, with a number of dedicated events and visits from H.E providers, a careers day and H.E advice and finance evening.
Exam Results
The Sixth Form will be open on A Level results day, from 8am - 11am, followed by a results clinic the next day. Exam certificates are available from the exams officer based at Bungay High school, please email: for more information.